Hello, Everyone! Just popping in for a moment to say hello! I am still on maternity leave enjoying all the snuggles with my little girl.
Logan was born on 12/21/2020 at 4:05am! It was a long labor (roughly 23 hours, with 7 hours of pushing!) and I will be recapping my labor story HERE in the next month or two.
I'm gradually adding back in work items (ok, so payroll and a few other things I do for the chiropractic office NEVER stopped - you gotta do what you gotta do!), and need to wrap up some things with my oncology program before I begin working 1:1 with clients again.
HOWEVER, I will for sure be taking client sessions again in the Spring for sure. I've also realized through both my pregnancy and labor/delivery that I really do have a deep passion for pre-CONCEPTION nutrition. That's right, not prenatal specifically. And not necessarily postpartum. And not newborns...or pediatrics. I still don't accept minors as clients - sorry! You must be 18. BUT. That moment when you realize you WANT to optimize your body (and maybe your partner's too!) BEFORE conception is HUGE. That's a big part of our story in our own conception, and I want to be able to help others do the same.
Do you HAVE to be interested in pre-conception or have a cancer diagnosis (or remission) to work with me? Of course not! Oncology is also about PREVENTION, and to be honest, anyone who sees me is really asking not only for relief from specific symptoms (like a missing period, or IBS, or headaches), but my clients are looking for health OPTIMIZATION. Not just relief. True health. So if that's your jam, you're my ideal client.
Thanks all! I'll be popping in again soon! But not too soon. This little will grow up way too fast for her momma!
